Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mia Gianna: 2 years old

Dear Gianna,
You are now a big 2 year old.  This means that we finally (!!!) flipped your car seat around so that you are forward-facing.  Daddy laughed at me when I announced, "Well, we can move her seat around this weekend, after she is 2."  He thinks I am so by-the-book.    You are so happy and proud (!) to be facing-forward, alongside Bode.  It is quite a milestone, and I am happy for you, too.

You are in that "I do it myself" stage.  Along with climbing stairs, you now must:

1. Get into the car by yourself,
2. Get into your (forward-facing) car seat by yourself,
3. Put your shoes on by yourself, and
4. do just about anything - or at least try to - by yourself.

This means that things take longer, and I need to start building in an extra 10 minutes into any scheduled event we might be attending. That's okay. I love your independence and determination to do it yourself.

You are still a huge meat eater.  For your birthday, I made a beef brisket. You loved it. You grabbed chunks of (uncut) meat from a nearby plate and stuffed them into your face.  We need to work on eating more delicately, Gianna. And you need to eat a variety of foods. You don't really care for any vegetable, except for broccoli and corn.  You like eating watermelon, but are not willing to eat any other fruit.  You do love popsicles and ice cream (good girl).

I was so relieved, at your 2 year well check, when you did not lose it when we went to the pediatrician's office. The past few visits have not been good ones, and you're naturally distrustful of any medical establishment (not that I blame you). I am so proud of you for being so calm and good natured during your exam.  They stabbed you in the foot for blood, and you only looked on with mild curiosity. Who knew! Hopefully we can expect more good visits like this one in the future.

I laugh at the pediatrician! I defy your, and the AAP, "rules" and guidelines.

And now, for the ba-ba.  At your 2 year well-check, I lied (!!!) to the pediatrician and told her that you weren't drinking from a bottle that much.  Here's the bad news:  your ped said to switch you to skim milk.  And now for the really bad news: we need to ditch the ba-ba completely.  I'm hoping the hot summer months will make the transition to cups and water/juice more easy.  

Since I am lazy and a not very good mother, I do not have a baby book for you. So here are your stats from yesterday:

Weight: 30 lbs (87%)
Height: 34 inches (55%)
Head circumference: 18 1/2 inches (36%) 

You are still a little thing, but maybe that is just in my mind. I think you will always seem "little" to me, because you are my baby girl. On the charts, you're doing just fine. And, no matter what the stats say  because you are strong! I think putting up with your rambunctious brother has a little something to do with your strength.  Daddy is anxious to get you into gymnastics.  He thinks that with my height, and weight-to-strength ratio, I could have been a gymnast  when I was younger (to which I laugh, heartily). So now, he thinks that we need to see if you have any interest. You're still too young for many activities/classes, but we are always looking for you.  You do love swimming, and Daddy loves your "natural form" (his words) in the water.  I have to remind him that you  have just the right amount of baby fat to keep you buoyant in the water.  It is true: you are a little cork!  You are so proud to walk around in your swimsuit. I love how naturally confident in your body you are, and I hope that this never ends.

Shoes on the wrong feet because "I do myself"

See ya.

I think you love your life. You're happy with our little routine, and you love spending your days with your big brother Bode, whom you absolutely adore.  Bode can be a little difficult, because he loves playing chase with you.  When you tire from being chased, you like to hide behind me, while I ask Bode to please leave you alone for a few minutes. I love that you still come running to me for shelter or love.

Happy 2nd birthday, my lovely G.  You are truly a sweet little gift to our family.

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