Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bode: 32 months

Dear Bode,
The big news is, you're potty training. You are doing so well.  You have received several stickers, and already have added 6 "potty training surprise" cars to your collection.  Without going into (potentially) embarrassing detail, I will only report: so far, so good.

Over the past month, you've started calling us "Mom," and "Dad."  I have no idea where this came from. It is disconcerting to have my 2 year old call me "Mom" regularly.

You have a funny facial expression now.  It comes out at random times,  so I don't know what prompts the expression.  I'm really not sure what the expression means. It may mean that you think I am silly, you may be annoyed, or that you aren't sure 'what' is expected of you in a particular instance. I am trying to capture this expression on camera but as usual, I don't have my camera around when you make this particular expression.  If I get it on film, I am posting it and taking notes! I'm sure like a lot of things, it will be a fleeting memory of your toddler years.
You like saying, "I'm sorry" or "Sorry," but you don't use it in the correct context.  You might sneeze, and then say, "Sorry, Mom" or I might say that we need to do something, and you'll reply, "Sorry, Mom."  It took me awhile to figure this one out: you picked this up because I apologize to you when I bump your head while putting you in the car seat, and stuff like that. I think I am saying, "I'm sorry," more than I know I am, and you've added it to your vocabulary.

You still love your sister like crazy. And you love that you make her so happy. You still like to play "I Gianna" and revert somewhat. In fact, I was concerned that the potty training was not going to happen once you remembered that Gianna is in diapers.  But you seem to be handling the potty training well, on your own. You still enjoy crawling around and reminding me to carry you sometimes because you are also my baby.
Happy 32 months, Bode.

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